Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 7 Quick Tip and Build

Trinket: Ward Cancelling

The Sweeping Lens (red) trinket is great for destroying wards as we all know but did you know that while the ward is being scanned you will not appear on the map to the enemies even though they will still have vision from the ward. Using the ward cancelling correctly and smartly means you can gank lanes like an assassin.

How to:

1.  Signal a lane that you are ganking.

2.  As you approach the lane scan the area with the Sweeping Lens Trinket that you think a ward may be in.

      3.  If a ward has been scanned just ignore it and run straight into the lane as the enemy cannot see you coming.

As you can see the wards have been swept denying the enemies of vision of the incoming gank.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Day 6 Quick Tip and Build

Yasuo: Wind Wall Block

Yasuo's Wind Wall (W) ability is a great ability that blocks all ranged attacks as you should know but the Wind Wall can also be used to block the attacks from Baron Nashor, Dragon and the Wight (jungle minion).

How To: 

1. Place Yasuo's Wind Wall (W) between you can the target making sure that you can still attack.

In this picture Yasuo places the Wind Wall in between the Wight and himself

In this picture Yasuo places his Wind Wall just in front of the dragon.

In this picture Yasuo's Wind Wall is in just in front of Baron' head blocking his attacks.

Item Build:

Since I gave you a tip how about giving me one? (Joking)


But seriously thank you to everyone who donates to me as it will help to get the equipment I need to make more content for you guys such as videos, streams and a website dedicated to helping players.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day 5 Quick Tip and Build

Xin Zhao: Xinsec

Xinsec is a move that has the same concept as the Insec which Lee Sin can do, but the Xinsec is a lot more easier and quite effective as you can knock an enemy into your team while knocking other enemies away.

How to:

l. Get behind your enemy that you want to kill such as charging (E) to a minion or another enemy behind that target (you can also flash behind).

2. Use your ultimate Cresent Sweep (R) ability to knock the target back into your team.

(Note: Do not charge to the target as your passive will not allow them to be knocked by ultimate)

As you can see in this picture Xin Zhao is charging to a minion behind Cho' Gath.

Xin Zhao now uses his ultimate to send the enemy Cho Gath into his team.

Item Build:

Since I gave you a tip how about giving me one? (Joking)


But seriously thank you to everyone who donates to me as it will help to get the equipment I need to make more content for you guys such as videos, streams and a website dedicated to helping players.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day 4 Quick Tip and Build

Lee Sin: Insec 

There are many cool things you can do with Lee Sin some may seem impossible to do but practice makes perfect. Using this move has you jumping to your enemy getting behind them and then booting them back into your team making a easy kill and making you look pro.

How To:

1. Hit an enemy with your Sonic Wave (Q) ability.

2. Use Resonating Strike (second Q activate) and place a ward behind the enemy as soon as you land.

3. Use Safeguard (W) to shield to the ward.

4. Use your Dragons Rage (R) ability to kick your foe into your team.

(Tip: Smart cast your moves and wards, this will help provide more speed in which to perform this move faster and better)

Lee Sin lands his Q on enemy 
Lee Sin then activates his Q again to jump to the enemy

Lee Sin then Places a ward behind the enemy

Lee Sin then uses his ultimate (R) to kick him back into his team

Item Build:

Since I gave you a tip how about giving me one? (Joking)


But seriously thank you to everyone who donates to me as it will help to get the equipment I need to make more content for you guys such as videos, streams and a website dedicated to helping players.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 3 Quick Tip and Build

Shaco: Boxing Tower 

Shaco is one of the fastest tower destroyers in the game with his clone, but his Jack In The Box (W) is also effective at taking down towers if used correctly. 

How to: 

1. Attack turret with minion wave that has Cannon Minion.

2. Watch the turret carefully who it is attacking.

3. As soon as the turret starts attacking the Cannon Minion place the Jack In The Box next to turret.

(Note: Turrets one shot the boxes and are always next to be targeted so letting the Cannon Minion tank allows the box to last longer.)

As you can see in this picture Shaco's box is attacking the turret while the Cannon Minion is tanking.

Item Build

Since I gave you a tip how about giving me one? (Joking)


But seriously Thank you to everyone who donates to me as it will help to get the equipment I need to make more content for you guys such as videos, streams and a website dedicated to helping players.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 2 Quick Tip and Build

Jarvan: Flag Teleport 

The next time you have a Jarvan on your team consider taking Teleport as a summoner spell, as you can Teleport to Jarvans flag (E) ability. This is a great trick to surprise your enemies in fights and ganks especially in the mist of fights no one will realize your Teleporting in and will just wonder how did you get there.

How to:

1. Select the summoner spell Teleport

2. Click Jarvans flag while it is placed out (flag will glow to show it is selected)

As you can see in this picture Jarvan has placed his flag over the Baron wall and is using Teleport.

Item Build:

Since I gave you a tip how about giving me one? (Joking)


But seriously Thank you to everyone who donates to me as it will help to get the equipment I need to make more content for you guys such as videos, streams and a website dedicated to helping players.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Day 1 Quick tip and Build

Annie: Mid Air Stun

Playing as Annie can be quiet annoying when the enemy can see you  have a stun ready for a engage with your AD Carry or your Jungler. But with this tip they will never see your next engage coming.

 How To:
1. Charge your passive so that is has 3 charges.

2. Use your Disintegrate (Q) at the enemy target

3. While your Disintegrate is in mid air use your Molten Shield (E)

As seen in this picture Annie uses her Q and then uses her shield while the Q is mid air landing the stun.
Item Build:

Since I gave you a tip how about giving me one? (Joking)


But seriously Thank you to everyone who donates to me as it will help to get the equipment I need to make more content for you guys such as videos, streams and a website dedicated to helping players.